FRIENDS Consult Ltd was contracted by PROFIRA in 2015 to offer credit and default management training and technical assistance to PROFIRA supported SACCOs in Northern and Eastern Uganda for six years.
FCL ensured that its technical team gave SACCOs continuous mentoring and coaching (TA) throughout the project period, more frequent offsite and on-site mentoring, and on-site refreshers training. This was to ensure that the boards and staff stay focused on the tasks assigned to them and as a result, they would be able to improve their portfolio quality by the end of the project.
PROFIRA is a seven-year Government of Uganda (GoU) project financed by IFAD and GoU. Its key objective is to facilitate expansion of financial services to a large portion of the rural population that has little or no access to financial services through strengthening Community Savings and Credit Groups (CSCGs); and Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs).